Friday, July 24, 2009

Why are we all coming down with swine flu or some sort of the virus? Why are we unmotivated, stressed and unhappy? Why do many of us suffer from depression or related conditions?

One of the things about humans is that we avoid change, enjoy structure and like the status quo. We get used to how things work and most of us actually enjoy working within the confines of KPI reports and expectations being clearly reported as we know what the end result of our activities will be.

We have enjoyed one of the longest periods of solid economic growth in history. In fact for some Gen Y's this is the first uncertain economic time they have experienced. I'm not enjoying this time. My business started to go quiet in April and since then I have almost been on the longest holiday I have had since I started working some 25 years ago! No job is safe and for those of us whom are self employed, these times can be even more worrying.

How can you stay positive and get through these times?
Remember that "this time shall pass". Even though it may seem really tough right now, keep things in perspective. What's the worst that can happen? Yes you can lose your job, so what? Life has taught me that when one door closes another opens. It may be really ugly at the time but I assure you that you will emerge a better, stronger more resilient person as a result.

Do what you need to do to take care of yourself - exercise, read, spend time in nature. All of these activities cost almost nothing. Improve your skills so that you ready when the market turns but most importantly, reach out for help and support if you need to and remember that "this time shall pass".
Have a great day.

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