Sunday, January 16, 2011


What makes a big biller? I have always been a big biller and still hold the record I believe in the industry for the most recruitment business sold in 8 months – some $50 million dollars. I am very interested in neuro-science and how our brain filters and distorts information to produce a change of internal state which in turn affects behaviour.. Those that can control their internal state have much higher success than those who can’t. These are my top 10 tips for maximising your own sales performance.

Consider for a moment the word “sales” or “salesperson”. How do you really feel about that word? Do you feel positive being labelled a salesperson or negative? Most of those interested in success and self help understand the importance of belief. Maximising your sales performance starts with a strong, unquestionable belief that you ARE the biggest biller in (a) your company (b) your sector and (c) your industry. Create the belief by visualising yourself as a big biller. How will you walk, talk, sit and behave?

Thoughts change states and states create behaviour. Have you ever stubbed your toe getting ready for a work and then had a shocker of a day? That’s because you expected to have a bad day. Big billers maximise their performance by ensuring they are in a positive state most of the time. Ask yourself “what would make today a level 10 day?” Level 10 being the best, most productive day you could possibly have. Anchor to that state – close your eyes and feel what you would feel;, see what you would see; hear what you would hear if you were having a level 10 day. Step inside the picture and really feel the feeling of having a level 10 day. That’s how you create an anchor. Use the technique every morning when you wake up to put you into the best possible state for the day.

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to negative self talk. What do you think about before you pick up the phone to make cold calls?
(a) Oh no, I have to cold call, I hate cold calling! OR
(b) Oh Great, it’s time to open some doors for new business and lots of money!
I guarantee you will get a different result if your thought is (b) rather than (a).
How do banish unhelpful thoughts? I use a cognitive behaviour technique in my coaching practice. Whenever you have a negative or unhelpful thought, ask yourself “what’s absurd about this thought?”
Eg. I don’t want to call today, I know I am going to get rejected.
What’s absurd about that thought? Well, I don’t know this person so how do I know I will be rejected?
What is a more positive way to look at the situation? These prospects could have work to give me right now and at the very least I will be opening some great doors to start relationships.
By changing your thoughts from negative to positive, you will maximise your results.

Who do you want to be like? Is there a consultant or manager in your business whom is very successful? If so, then watch, listen and learn. I was lucky enough to learn from some superstars in the business and I watched and learned from them and then perfected my own unique style. Hire a coach to keep you accountable for your sales activity and goals.

Neuro-scientists have identified that our brains are wired to seek security which is why many of us are not comfortable with change. Trick your brain into thinking sales is secure by preparing properly. Big billers use scripts and are adept at overcoming objections. Create a compelling script and have your answers to possible objections prepared. Have a well researched prospect list. Have a clear objective and fall-back position for every call to ensure your maximise each and every call you make.

Communication is made up of 7% words; 38% tonality and 55% physiology. Match keywords and the tone of the prospect to build better rapport. Be confident and in control using succinct and specific language to ensure that your message is delivered properly. Communication is less about what you say and more about how you say it.

Prospecting properly is the starting point for maximising sales performance. How well prepared and researched is your prospect list? Do you know the potential of the prospect you are about to call? Create a benchmark so that you are not calling people who are no value to you. You might search for companies in your sector who have a certain number in their team or perhaps always use agencies for the recruitment etc.

Maximising sales performance is about high activity levels. Key performance indicators keep you focussed on the minimum you need to do. High performers consistently meet and exceed their KPI’s regardless of how many jobs they are working on. Consistent high billers aim to business develop week in and week out to ensure that their sales funnel is full. Know your desk – how many live jobs do you need to have on at any one time to meet your targets?

Concentrate on moving clients up the sales ladder from contingent to exclusive to retained. What can you do to add value and stand apart from your competition? Ask for exclusivity every time you take in a job but at the very least ensure that each role you are working is real and fillable. Ask clients how committed they are to filling the role and if they say they are, then get a commitment from them – either exclusivity or at the very least interview times booked in for your shortlist.

Don’t waste time working jobs that aren’t real or aren’t fillable. Maximising sales performance is about understanding the opportunity cost in working one role over another. Ensure that you have your “Big Rocks” scheduled into your diary. Big Rocks are those activities that earn you money next week and next month. Activities such as business development; passive headhunting (mapping your market); candidate interviews; reverse marketing and floats and of course keeping your admin up to date.
Maximising sales performance starts and ends with you so do whatever you need to do to be the best you can be!

Further reading:
Stephen Covey – 7 Habits of highly effective people
Your Brain at Work – David Rock
Change your thinking – Sarah Edelman
You can sell anything – Tony Lozzi
Please e-mail me for a full recommended reading list

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How to Overcome Objections

Overcoming Objections

Objections are a very important part of the sales process so welcome them. Too often when I am training recruiters I ask what an objection is and I hear words like “block”; “rejection”; “reason not to do something” etc. Relax a little because objections are actually a buying signal. The prospect needs more information before actually saying yes. In my experience if you make a sale without an objection something is bound to go wrong later!
Now that you are comfortable with the concept of objections, let’s look at how to handle them. I particularly like the “Feel; Felt; Found” method of overcoming objections. I have used it for many years with a great deal of success. It works like this:
“I understand how you feel” - This statement shows the prospect that you sympathize with him/her . You could alternatively choose to say something along the lines of “Thank you for saying that, I would feel exactly the same way in your shoes”.
“My other clients have felt the same way too” – This statement shows empathy. You are demonstrating that the prospect is not alone in his or her feelings.
“They have found that” – Overcome the objection giving an opinion other than your own. This is very important because otherwise your objection handling could become confrontational.
A practical example:
Overcome the objection “I use your competitor”
I hear what you are saying, many of my clients also used a competitor prior to working with me. They have told me that sometimes their preferred agency can’t come up with the talent they require. In that instance I have been able to act as a backup.
Practice makes perfect. Create an objection table and develop a script to overcome the most common objections we get. Then practice them until you are happy. That way you will be more confident when you hear one on the other end of the phone. Starting out in the recruitment business you can expect to hear the following objections:
• I have a preferred supplier agreement
• You are too expensive/ I want a discount/ your competitor does it for 10%
• I am too busy for a meeting
• I recruit myself I don’t use an agency
• We have an internal recruitment department

How objections help you
Learning how to overcome objections properly makes you a better communicator – that’s good for you and good for your business. Using this technique will avoid confrontation not only at work but also in your personal life as well.